Learning to read just got much,
much cooler.
As a professional media specialist or librarian, you love to read. You love helping others learn to love reading as much as you do. But, with all of the diversions available to today's youth, it can be challenging to get the majority interested in reading. Enter eSebco.
eSebco uses the power of technology to give you an advantage in getting young learners interested in reading. By offering a fully immersive interactive experience as they read, you now have a secret weapon to make reading even more fun.
Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
These books are available to all of your students or patrons 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for UNLIMITED use.
Stretch Your Budget
By not needing to buy multiple copies of the same title, eSebco helps you stretch your budget further than ever.
Tools for the Professional Librarian or Media Specialist
We offer you an amazing set of easy to use tools to help grow and manage your online library. From a unique filtering system to find the perfect book, to the ability to create as many lists as you want, eSebco is your partner to make your life easier.
Electronic Books
On a computer, phone or tablet, Electronic Books from eSebco give a fully interactive experience to young readers. With movement, audio and photos, children can really enjoy learning to read.
Educational Advantage
By accurately speaking while following along with the words, our books offer the educational advantage of having another person read with a child.
You Never Need To Back Up
Our state-of-the art website allows you to view all of the e-books, flip-books and PDFs that you have purchased. This way, you never have to worry about losing files or backing up!
Make Learning Fun
Studies show that by making learning more fun, children are more likely to retain what they have learned. Our Electronic Books engage young readers, making it fun and educational.